
Saturday 18 August 2012

Back From A Busy Week, The Olympics is Done

After starting this blog and saying that I'd like to post every two or three day, I ended up going to Cardiff with my Girlfriend. I had a really good time and loved every part of the trip, but for me, being a Dorset boy enjoying the peace and space of the country side, Cardiff was just too big for me.

Today I'm just going to talk about the Olympics! I've never been incredibly interested in the Olympics and during the (odd but interesting) opening ceremony, I said to myself "I'm not going to watch any of this.". Despite that, I couldn't help but find myself crouching over my sofa shouting at the TV whenever a member of Team GB crossed the line with a medal. I never expected so much from Great Britain's Olympics but it was all round awesome! Well done Team GB and all the other competitors! Bring on the Paralympics!

In a more game related note; DayZ, the amazing mod for Arma 2: Combined Operations, is being developed as a stand alone game! From what I've heard it should be developed like Minecraft is, mean it will start off in an Alpha version with regular updates, then a Beta and so on. I'm really excited about this because it means I won't have to overload my laptop with mod folders and extra folders for a game I'll never use...

A small update on my plans for my YouTube Channel: I'm saving for a new headset, so my audio quality will be good enough to start doing Lets Plays again. Once that gets going, I will do regular episodes (maybe every other day) either on Minecraft or DayZ.

Thank you again for checking out my blog and be sure to come back again!
Please Check out both my YouTube Channels:

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Arty Pieces of Art Work.

Just so my blog has a bit more to it, I've decided to some of my art projects that I'm doing for school at the moment. Enjoy! 

An Introduction to Me (And what I do)

This first post will probably be quit boring for those of you who know me but when I once I start posting and updating my blog regular the will be a lot of funny stories to read and pictures to look at (Hopefully)

Who Am I And What Do I do

My name is Lewis Cherrett, I'm the average 15 year old who live through the interwebs ( or as it's more commonly known: "internet"). I've always love watching Vloggers or gaming commentaries on YouTube, as long as it was funny. It kind of inspired me to do the same thing as my internet heroes, but I've never really found the time to upload regular content, as well as having very very few subscribers (99.99% being close friends) I felt that it would never "kick off" and decided to take a break and focus on more important things.

Now that I've got quite a bit of money from working, I'm hoping to buy some new kit ( Microphone, mouse etc.) so I can do the gaming videos that I've always wanted to do, properly. So soon, I should have regular content on my main channel! I also want to use this blog as much as I can. I enjoy making videos that people will watch and videos that I just think are funny. Follow this link to see my friends at a party dancing on a wall. It was filmed by me on my phone and I just uploaded it because I found it funny! Subscribe to my channel for more, random stuff like this.

The posts on my blog will be a lot of random stuff (Pictures, Videos, Stories) that revolves around games or music, but I will have stuff that will be completely random all together! I'll try to post every day, but depending on how busy I am or what ideas I have, I might post every other day...

Thanks for taking your time to reading this and I hope you'll come back again. :)
P.S. Please ignore any spelling/grammar mistakes! And here is some dancing monkeys! (not my video)